Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021 Recap and Highlights

Michelle Brinich
The Distributed SQL Blog
4 min readFeb 2, 2021


We had a great time at Distributed SQL Summit Asia and hope you did, too! Now that the event has ended, we wanted to take a moment and recap some of the highlights, as well as provide you with links to playbacks of the presentations.

DSS Asia 2021 by the Numbers

We held the Asia Summit from 10am — 3pm India Standard Time for three days (Jan 20 — Workshop Day; Jan 21–22 — Conference Days). This is the same format as we had followed at our last Distributed SQL Summit, and interestingly enough, the numbers turned out to be very similar.

At DSS Asia 2021, we had more than 750 attendees, 35 speakers and MCs “on stage” in the virtual event platform, and produced 900 minutes of content across the three days in a mix of recorded presentations with live Q&A.

Virtual Swag — Donations to Charity

Also, now that events like the Distributed SQL Summit are virtual, we’ve made our event swag virtual, too. At Distributed SQL Summit Asia, we donated $5 USD for every attendee who selected a charity. A big thanks to all who redeemed your virtual swag. Together, your swag redemptions ended up in more than $2,000 USD being donated across these three charities:

  • India Development and Relief Fund is breaking the cycle of poverty in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka by empowering marginalized people with skills, services, and infrastructure grounded in sustainable development.
  • International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.
  • Room to Read seeks to transform the lives of millions of children in low-income communities by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education.

Thank You to the Amazing Speakers

People attend events like the Summit to learn from industry experts. We were so grateful to have had keynote presentations from Walmart, Weaveworks,and HashiCorp. As well as informative sessions from other innovative companies including: Astronomer, BRIKL, Buoyant, CAST AI, Hasura, InfraCloud, Infosys, Liquibase, Manetu, Softtech, Virtusa, VMware, Wipro Digital, and Xignite.

The talks were highly informative, the audience feedback was very positive, and I’m personally grateful to have been able to work with all of these amazing speakers!

Thank You to the Incredible Audience

Now that events are virtual, you can’t scan the audience and, at a glance, see the crowded room, with heads nodding, people taking notes, and people raising their hands or walking up to the microphone to ask questions during the talk, or the queue of people waiting to meet the speakers when the talk ends.

In a virtual event, naturally the engagement is all virtual, and the audience has a very important and active role to play in asking questions, live chatting, and giving feedback along the way in order to make the most out of the event.

A big shout out to the live attendees at Distributed SQL Summit Asia for your thoughtful questions during live Q&A, your comments and participation in the live chat, showing your support for the speakers, and giving us feedback along the way. If you have feedback you haven’t yet shared, ping me in the YugabyteDB Community Slack — I’d love to hear what’s on your mind!

Watch the Playbacks

If you weren’t able to attend the Distributed SQL Summit Asia, or if you want to rewatch some of your favorites, you can find the recordings in the showcase on Vimeo or the playlist on YouTube.

What’s Next

If you’d like to continue your distributed SQL learning journey or just keep the conversation going, here are some next steps:

Originally published at https://blog.yugabyte.com on February 2, 2021.

